Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's a GIRL!!!

And the Worst Blogger of the Year Award goes!  I can't believe that I am just now getting around to posting this!  To say we have been busy is an understatement.  Work, summer shindigs, growing a baby...its been a bit hectic in the Lenz household.

Back in June Chris and I were beyond blessed to have a Gender Reveal hosted by our amazing friends Lauren & Chad, who happen to be expecting a little one themselves.  We couldn't wait to find out if Little Lenz was going to be a handsome boy or sweet little lady.  So without further ado I will just let the pictures do the talking.

Snapshot before all of our friends and family arrived.
Brixie has made the nursery her new hang out.

Prepared for boy or girl!

My Cravings Table

Don't forget to grab a goodie bag...

Grandpa's to be (my dad on the left, Chris' dad on the right)

Everyone wore blue or pink to reveal what they thought Little Lenz would be.

Mr. Beckham

Love these ladies, Michele (my sister) and my Mimi

Chad & Chris.  Both daddy's to be.

For our gender reveal we wanted to do something a little different.  Under one of the duckies is a circle indicating the big reveal.  Chris would have to bob for duckies one boy, one girl at a time.

Everyone that was able to join us that day!  Wow that is alot of blue!

Here we go...Eek!

Once he pulled them out he had to show me the bottom.

Keep going babe.

Nope still guessing...

After 6 or 7 duckies he finally got to "the one!"

The moment right after seeing the big reveal! I woke up that morning and just knew but was still in shock that it was true!

We're having a...


She is going to have daddy wrapped around her little finger!

The grandparents to be!

All those that wore pink and guessed it right!

Best friends both expecting little girls and only two weeks apart!

The best godparents a little girl could ask for!  She is loved!

All the mommies to be!
Andi {due Oct. 4th}, Me {due Oct. 23rd} and Lauren {due Oct. 8th}

And the daddy's to be!
Can you guess who is having girls and which one is having a boy?!

Ms. Nora.  She is going to have a new best friend next door!

We are beyond thrilled to be expecting a little girl!  She is already being spoiled by so many and there are lots of pink tutus in our near future!  Chris is already calling her "Daddy's Little Girl" and her room is now starting to come together with all the girly touches.

More of the special details to come!


Mrs. S said...

Love the way y'all found out! So cute!! yay for little girls!

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