Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We shopped till we dropped!

Good morning!!!! It has been one crazy week! I am absolutely exhausted so please excuse the absence. This will be short and sweet cause I have a lot of work to do but I couldn't neglect the blog.

This past weekend was amazing! Ashley and I skipped work on Friday for a day of shopping. We drank mimosa's, walked down every single aisle and shopped till we dropped (literally). I was sooooo sore by the time we left the Nutcracker Market that I could barely feel my legs. But it was well worth it!

Double fisting the mimosa's and ready for the shopping to begin!
... and Ashley was a girl on a mission that day!

We had an absolute blast!

Oh and we finished the hardwood floors on Saturday! I am leaving that for another post though. I will say it is not as hard as we thought and I can't wait to do the rest of the house! Count on a post soon about all our DIY projects lately. We have had a lot of them!!!

Chris didn't sell his painting at the art show Saturday night...but we did have a fun filled night full of laughter, lots of drinking and singing at the top of our lungs! He already has ideas for his next piece of work. He is definitely not discouraged and ready to paint again! I have a few ideas up my sleeve as well so maybe next year I will submit a piece!

Like I said this was going to be short and sweet! Work is kicking my butt lately!!! Yesterday I pulled a 12 hour work day! Hope you are all having a great week. Next week will be a short one...WOOHOO!!! xoxo

1 comment:

Sarah Frills4Thrills said...

Christmasy shopping is always the best! And well worth the sore legs!


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